Cate Brown
About the Artist
I believe in fresh air and salty hair. I developed a love for photography at a young age. I took that love of photography to college before returning home to southern Rhode Island to reconnect with the coastal community. My work has taken me on trips across North America, on travels through Europe, and sailing adventures in the Caribbean. Today, my body of fine art work is an expression of years of these coastal explorations, sailing on the bay, walking beaches, going for swims in the middle of winter, and testing the limits of my creativity. Driven by an equal love for the ocean and beautiful photographs, my aim is to draw you into a world defined and surrounded by sandy beaches and salty ocean waters. I hope that my photography not only invokes the smell of salt air, the sound of ocean water and sensations of salt spray, but also an appreciation and respect for our Oceans. The Sea inspires me to capture its likeness through creative vision, and in turn I hope my images will motivate others to return to the Sea to find their own inspiration.
“The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.” –Jacques Yves Cousteau'