Humorous and passionate, Still Surfing Cold Water explores the world of veteran surfer and master story-teller, Dr. Glenn Gordinier. This expanded 2nd edition chronicles surfing in New England’s frigid waters and recalls memorable escapes to warmer shores. It lays bare the surfer’s compulsion and the cycles of life experienced by this unheralded wave-rider, this Everyman.
Over the years the sea has offered the author hardship, hazard, and elation. His true tales span from a teenage epiphany, to encounters with hurricane swell in his mid-seventies. These stories also illuminate the burning desire that sends a select few into icy winter waters, warmed by a passion that cannot be quenched.
An award-winning writer, Glenn Gordinier - like millions of others - succumbs to the addictive need to surf. If you are a surfer, this is your story. If you know a surfer and wonder about his or her obsession, the answer is in these pages. If you dream of riding a wave, then join the author and feel the sea’s surge as you paddle into a wall of blue.
Retired from Williams College, Glenn Gordinier spends his time surfing and writing. He lives by sea with his wife, an artist and activist.